MBA Master of Business Administration in Marketing- CMU

MBA Master of Business Administration in Marketing


The broad aim of the MBA in Marketing is to produce marketers and marketing managers who can run and successfully integrate at a managerial level in a broad range of organisational and marketing environments. It is suitable for graduates motivated by the desire to launch a career or develop an existing one in the marketing field. This means that you will not be content to merely be presented with sets of theories and principles of marketing, but also expect to be given ample opportunity to critically evaluate the usefulness of these theories and principles in practice, especially in relation to your own particular needs.

The MBA in Marketing will provide this opportunity in a number of ways, from case studies, and projects to the final thesis-orientated assessment. All students complete seven taught modules, (five compulsory core modules and two optional modules), together with a final dissertation/project. Students coming from non-business backgrounds will have to take remedial courses (3-5 courses) assessed on a case-by-case basis based on the applicants’ previous academic background.

Course Content

The core modules are designed to expose participants to state of the art thinking in the key management disciplines and provide opportunity throughout to apply theory to real life management situations.


Core Modules:

  • Accounting for Decision-Makers (20 credits)
  • Marketing (20 credits)
  • Operations Management (20 credits)
  • People and Organisations (20 credits)
  • Strategic Management (20 credits)


Pathway Modules:

  • Consumer Behaviour: Knowing your Consumer (20 credits)
  • Strategic Global Marketing (20 credits)


Additional Modules for mapping purposes:

  • *Graduate Research Methods (3 cr.)
  • *Business Economic Analysis and Forecasting (3 cr.)


Final Module:

  • Dissertation / New Business Project ( 40 credits)

The final, 40 credit project is a double module, completed by students after they have completed all taught modules. Whether an academic piece of research or an investigation into the launching of a business; it is designed to be an intellectually challenging piece of individual management research. It will equip successful students with the knowledge, capabilities and competences required of today's managers, in a world in which the ability to research new information is increasingly important.


The assessment strategy covers a wide spectrum of approaches. Each module has its own aims, objectives, learning outcomes and methods of delivery and assessment. Assessments may therefore take the form of assessed written papers/essays/reports, oral presentations, group and individual research projects, posters, reflective papers which may involve compiling scrapbooks, case studies as well as open/closed book formal examinations.

Preparation and support is available for assessment through various activities designed by module leaders, personal tutors and library.​

The submission points for assessments are phased throughout the year to manage students' workload with specific dates made available to students at the beginning of each academic year.

Employability & Careers

Career events, the Student Career Office and the Alumni allow students opportunities to further their connections and networking activities. This platform is designed with the following aims:

Work-study opportunities: Students are offered the opportunity to be working within the MUBS while pursuing their MBA; which in turn exposes them to multiple career development opportunities.

Social Interactions, Social Networking and Academic Sharing: Provide a secure social network and community for instructors, students, and potential employers.

Personal Development Plans: Personal Development Plans (PDP) facilitate the structure necessary for students to reflect upon individual learning, performance, and achievement, and map personal, educational, and career development.

The Alumni office has also been developing networks, for example through social media such as Linked In. The success of these networks has been evidenced by the amount of former students currently in contact with the university about their employment, allowing current and former students to form links, and network.

How to Apply to Cardiff Met. Univeristy Programmes

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